Facebook Advertising Essentials: Costs, Coupons & Tips

Facebook Advertising EssentialsFacebook advertising is a new platform for many companies, and covering the basics of how Facebook advertising works is essential to get up to speed. Here are the basics for this social media platform:

How much does Facebook advertising cost?

The Facebook advertising costs vary depending on the type of ad you want to run. At this point in time in a market with average competition, you will see the following prices:
• Video ad: Less than 5 cents per video view {excellent for branding}
• Single post ad or multi product/post ad: Less than 50 cents per website visitor {around 20 cents per click if your content is more engaging}
• Single post ad: Less than $10 per conversion {minimum 15 conversions per day for this to be an effective route}
• Page like campaign: Less than 50 cents per page like

The Facebook advertising rates do change across each industry and because it is an auction, it depends on the amount of competition. There are certain times of year when it can be more expensive like right before the holidays because a lot of advertisers are crowding the platform.

Do you want to buy Facebook likes?

For some businesses, they have just created a Facebook fan page or they haven’t done much with one they created months/years ago. These newbie pages have very few fans and some businesses want to add some credibility to their business to show that they have customers/clients. This is where it makes sense to buy Facebook likes by running a page likes campaign.

For a business that already has an established fan base, it makes more sense to just grow your fan base as a natural by product to the main ads you’re running as opposed to continuously buying page likes. To me, it makes more sense to invest in getting your business message out to the world, especially if you have a great message to get out there, as opposed to getting your ego involved and being concerned with your popularity. If your business is good at what it does, you treat your customers well, and you’ve got an awesome product/service then you’ll naturally gain popularity on Facebook.

Where can I find a Facebook advertising coupon?

The Facebook coupons are getting harder to come across now. Sometimes they’re available through third party companies when you become a customer. Another way is to sign up for the Facebook GO program where you have to spend a minimum of $750 over the course of 30 days. They have an ad specialist that will walk you through getting started and at the end will provide you with a $50 ad coupon. This program was created to help show business owners that Facebook advertising works, and they’re committed to helping you get started so you can become a regular customer.

Do you have any Facebook advertising tips?

Yes, this is something that I blog about regularly. Here is a collection of my articles that are chock full of tips and guidance for you:

What is a landing page?

Facebook-TestingJust like other forms of digital advertising, the page that you land on after your potential customers click on your ad is just as important as the ads themselves. The science of creating a landing page that converts consists of a specific formula and is not typically mastered right away. It takes testing and comparisons to fine tune your sales process until you find a magical combination of text, layout, imagery and an offer that is a great fit for your audience.

On a final note, it’s important to ensure that your website is mobile friendly because the majority of Facebook ads are viewed on smart phones followed by tablets. People tend to check it while they’re on their lunch break at work, standing in line for a latte, in transit or on the couch during TV commercials.

Are you using email marketing?

One of the things that Facebook advertising is good at is encouraging people to sign up for your email list once you’ve provided them with an attractive offer in exchange for it. Some businesses don’t have an active email marketing plan, so some of the investment that goes into the ads goes to waste because it forgets about the people who are further behind in the sales cycle. Just because they don’t buy your product/service right now, doesn’t mean that they never will. Email marketing allows you to continue the conversation as they approach their purchase.

When does it make sense call in a Facebook marketing expert?

There are some business owners that don’t mind rolling up their sleeves to get their message out to the world while they’re in their initial growth phase. Once they’ve achieved a certain level of success, their time becomes more scarce and tinkering with social media and running the business becomes cumbersome.

I’ve noticed that the best time for business owners to reach out to a Facebook advertising agency like my own, they tend to already have an established customer base, they sometimes already have an attractive offer that’s working, they’re busy running their business and just cannot take on one more thing. I’ve worked with people who started out with less than 500 fans, and I’ve worked with people who have thousands of fans. I meet people where they are and ramp them up to where they want to be. If you want to leave this up to an expert that knows all of the ins and outs to Facebook, then feel free to connect with me. I’d be happy to help.

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Picture of Tammy Martin

Tammy Martin

Tammy is the company founder and crafty innovator behind this article. Since 2000, she has worked with clients to refine their marketing strategy, perfect ad performance, and generate sales from the bottom up.

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