Facebook Marketing Trends for 2015

It is now getting to the point that there is something changing on Facebook on a weekly basis if not daily and it’s important to stay on top of the trends so your marketing investment is allocated properly. Here are the latest tips and tricks for you to stay current on this platform:

Carousel Ads
People love to see things that are new and different on Facebook. Carousel ads are new and are a great way to feature your website content like recent blog articles. I have been getting more website clicks with these types of campaigns than with single post ads. They’re also attracting the clicks more inexpensively which is also a great selling feature!

Carousel Facebook Ad Example
Carousel Facebook Ad Example

Website Custom Audiences
Marketing to your recent website visitors instead of your Facebook fans has also become more popular. Just because you have oodles of fans, doesn’t mean they’re still truly big fans of yours. However, the people who have been on your website recently are your true active fans whether they’ve liked your page yet or not.

These people can be accessed through website custom audiences which is when you insert a snippet of code on your website so people who visit your site who are logged into Facebook will be tagged into an audience group for you. That audience can be used as an audience for your Facebook advertising campaigns. You’ll find that marketing to this group is cheaper than advertising to your own fans.

Screen Shot 2015-05-29 at 2.20.04 PMVideo
Video is really hot on Facebook right now. If you’re going to post a video on Facebook, don’t post a link to your video on YouTube/Vimeo. Instead, upload the actual video into Facebook. This will provide you with more features like a call-to-action and it’ll be easier to consume for your viewers.

It’s best if you keep the first few seconds of the video somewhat silent because it takes a few seconds for people to click the play button in their news feed. Some people use that time to display “click here” and show a video of themselves pointing to their ear to encourage people to click and hear the video. Try to keep your video short and sweet because people like quick pops of information in Facebook. So get right to the point!

Video Testimonials
Video testimonials are a great way to reach out to your existing audience who are already in your sales funnel. They’re not the greatest for converting people, but they are a good way to brand yourself, and build your reputation with potential clients to gain trust and take the next step in your sales process.

The video testimonials are even better if they’re recorded on a smart phone. They’re more authentic and relatable if they’re done on the fly.

Call Button
There is a new call-to-action in town and it’s the ‘call button’. This is a great feature for businesses that are seeking a way to generate calls to their business.

Website Clicks Ad Type
Website clicks campaigns are usually great performing campaigns for people who are somewhat new to Facebook advertising. Unless you have 15+ conversions/day, in which case a website conversions campaign would make more sense for you.

Hiring A Consultant
Many businesses have begun waving the white flag and surrendering to hiring an expert for Facebook advertising. It can be a full time job staying on top of the trends, which is why I do just that. I have refined my expertise to specialize in Facebook advertising exclusively so I can build sales funnels for my clients that generate consistent leads for their business.

Another reason why businesses hire a consultant is because they don’t want their ad account to be banned. This is what happens when you disobey Facebook’s advertising guidelines, which are updated regularly.

If you’re interested in chatting with me about your Facebook advertising campaigns, we can spend some time together to discuss your goals and how I can help you increase your traffic, leads and sales.

Check out the Facebook Advertising Trends for 2016.

Request A Facebook Strategy Session

Picture of Tammy Martin

Tammy Martin

Tammy is the company founder and crafty innovator behind this article. Since 2000, she has worked with clients to refine their marketing strategy, perfect ad performance, and generate sales from the bottom up.

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