Website Personalization: The Next Big Shift in Driving Subscribers, Conversions & Purchases

A basic tenet of sales is to personalize your offer to the prospect in front of you. Salespeople know this and customize their pitches to tailor the needs of the potential client. And this is what helps them get more sales.

Interesting, then, that the most basic and ubiquitous sales tool — the website — was never built for personalization.

This shortcoming represents a major gap between marketing and sales. In our work bringing thousands of monthly visitors to our clients’ landing pages and websites, we’ve become part of their sales process. Seeing what happens (and what doesn’t happen) has confirmed for us that the move towards personalizing the web experience and tailoring the copy to meet a specific visitor’s needs is the right move.

And the numbers back this up. If you’re getting thousands or tens of thousands of visitors to your site each month, website personalization can:

  • increase lead conversions by up to 44%
  • increase opt-ins by 252%
  • increase conversions by 109%
  • increase subscriptions by 67%
  • increase purchases by 55%


How to personalize your website

Start with a deep dive into who your potential clients are. This is known as “persona building.” It’s the process of developing archetypes, understanding what separates them and unites them, and what appeals to them and what repels or frustrates them. It’s learning how to speak to each one, knowing what they’re looking for from you (and, more broadly, from life), and being able to tap into what motivates them.

Once you’ve acquired that information via primary or secondary research methods, you can make dynamic changes to your site that cater to these different customers. Some examples include:

  • Adding a question for your new email subscribers to answer in addition to their name and email address
  • Removing the email subscription call-out for people who have already subscribed
  • Creating new headlines and body copy on your landing pages for different visitors
  • Using different email autoresponder sequences based on list segmentation
  • Customizing your website copy based on what ad(s) they came from to make it more congruent (strong ad scent)
This is what personalization can look like on your website.
This is an example of how you can start segmenting your email list and finding a way to communicate with your customers differently on your site as well as via email.

The customization and tailoring of your marketing message can start with a simple tweak and can be expanded over time into some advanced strategies to authentically connect with your potential customers. Overall it will improve your website visitor and email subscriber experience so they feel like they’re being heard and understood.

If you’re interested in boosting the effectiveness of your social ads, perhaps it’s time to look at your sales funnel as well. And we can help.

We look at your sales process holistically, identify your bottlenecks and implement solutions that work to build momentum for your business.

Contact us today for a consultation to discuss how we can increase your leads, subscribers and sales.

Picture of Tammy Martin

Tammy Martin

Tammy is the company founder and crafty innovator behind this article. Since 2000, she has worked with clients to refine their marketing strategy, perfect ad performance, and generate sales from the bottom up.

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