Video Marketing Tips & Strategy For Your Business

Have you been hesitant to create a video for your business?

Here are some stats that might change your mind:

🎥 Online video makes up 80% of internet traffic

🎥 YouTube is the second largest search engine

🎥 59% of execs would rather watch a video 

🎥 Viewers retain 90% of a video message versus 10% when reading

🎥 Many social networks prioritize video content

🎥 Video ads can be like rocket fuel to amplify your social ad results 

🎥 eCommerce product pages convert better with video

🎥 Video marketers get 66% more qualified leads per year

🎥 The average user spends 80% more time on your website with video

🎥 Where text and video are available on the same page, 72% would rather use video to learn about a product/service

🎥 Viewers are 95% more likely to remember a call to action after watching a video, compared to 10% when reading it in text format

There are more tools these days that help eliminate the barrier to video creation for businesses. 

Here are some things to consider:

  • If you think you need a pro, you might be surprised by what you can create with stock video to get started. 
  • The way people consume media has changed as social media has evolved and changed: where you might have felt constrained by a traditional TV-type 30second ad, know that the average length of video people are consuming on Facebook now is three minutes and longer. You can relax a bit, now that you don’t have to cram your entire value proposition and get potential consumers to know who you are what you offer into 30 seconds – phew!
  • Think about where you plan to use the video, one size does not fit all. However, with a bit of forethought and some editing on intros and outros, a main piece of content can be used on multiple platforms.
  • If you plan to use video to market on social media (and we recommend that you do!) remember that people are on social media to connect, not shop. Informal low production value, shot-on-your-iPhone, off-the-cuff, face-in-the-camera video are not only fine but preferable to a slick TV type video ad. If YOU are the brand (like a coach or teacher), keeping it in an informal video format is absolutely the way to go. You want to come across as approachable like a trusted friend, not distant and removed like a TV star!
  • Good lighting and decent sound quality are key. Lowest cost option for achieving this: shoot facing a window and with airpods or mic’d earbuds. A step up would be a ring light /tripod and a lapel mic – get set up with both for under $100.

You can work your way into more custom videos, as you grow and get more comfortable being on camera and with the format. 

To learn more about how video can be an integral part of your digital ads strategy request a Marketing Consultation

Picture of Tammy Martin

Tammy Martin

Tammy is the company founder and crafty innovator behind this article. Since 2000, she has worked with clients to refine their marketing strategy, perfect ad performance, and generate sales from the bottom up.

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