Advanced Ad Optimization for
Facebook & Instagram Ads to Increase ROI
Are you already running Facebook or Instagram ads?
If so, you’ve likely been focused on adjusting experimenting with the ad copy, the ad images, the landing page conversion rates. And that’s great, but what if you’re still finding that your CPM, CPL and CPA costs are increasing?
You may have been overlooking the key piece of the puzzle that will help you optimize your ad account even more.
No matter how ‘perfect’ your ad is…every time it is shown to someone who is not potentially interested is a waste of your ad spending.
If you’ve ever tried selecting an audience to target for your Facebook and Instagram ads, it can be quite a daunting task. There are so many options to choose from and varying audience sizes. And how do you know who to target and what audience targeting is working?
Well, there is good news with respect to that, and it’s something you cannot find in ads manager. We’re now using specialized software for our clients to pinpoint new audiences for you to target and determine which audiences are working.
Here are three ways that we can help you increase your return on investment:
- Uncover the highly targeted audiences that your competition is not aware that they even exist {the sweet spot – see diagram}.
- Specifically, target the most passionate ‘inner-circle’ group of people inside interest groups instead of the entire interest group that Facebook/Instagram interest targeting in the ads manager provides. We use the overlapping segments of the active group of buyers in the market.
- Measure with certainty which interests work for you and your business. We are able to breakdown your statistics interest by interest to improve your campaign and eliminate what’s not working.

If you’re interested in working with our team to improve your social media marketing results, connect with us for a marketing consultation.
At Martin Marketing we help businesses take the lead in their industry with digital. We’re centralized in Newmarket, Ontario and our remote team is located across Canada and United States.