Reverse Marketing: Where the Customer is King…Again

One of the recent trends in marketing today is the role reversal from companies marketing to their customers, to companies listening to consumer behavior and making themselves easy to find once consumers are ready to purchase/consume their product.

There was a time when companies could hide behind the curtain of slick advertising campaigns and secretly run their business shrewdly to the detriment of unwitting consumers. This is where the phrase ‘buy or beware’ came to be.

Nowadays, marketing has gone retro. We’re returning to old fashioned values where companies have well-known reputations that spread voraciously through society…good or bad. Thanks to the Internet, reputations can be built up or torn down thanks to vocal consumers. They now have tools such as blogs, forums, Google Reviews, Facebook, Twitter and an endless supply of ways to voice their opinions.

It is important for companies to track consumer behaviours online, not just for reputation management, but for business growth as well. Google delivers powerful information for companies allowing them to see search trends. These trends show opportunities for new products/services, product improvements and business growth.

Search engine optimization is an entirely new segment in marketing today, and is such an integral part of any business that it is foolhardy to ignore it. Optimization experts can show companies gaps in the industry that they may not be taking advantage of, identify where their brand could be better represented online and work alongside copywriters and public relations experts to deliver the full complement that marketing can deliver today.

One little-known fact about advertising on the search engines is that optimization experts often use this tool as a split testing device to refine ad content for off-line marketing including direct mail, television and radio. This can save companies money because they will already know which campaigns will be more attractive for their customers.

If your company prides itself on its refined reputation based on a solid inside reality, an optimization expert is an excellent tool for you to grow your business and take it to the next level. If your company is struggling with customer satisfaction and you think that this is going to remain a secret, then you’re taking on the risk of your own peril because the proverbial curtain is now transparent.

No marketing expert can disguise the ugly truth. It’s your role as a company owner to create an authentically excellent product/service that will enchant consumers to rave about you online and off-line. After all, isn’t that what it’s all about?

If you’d like to learn more about how we can help with optimaization, let’s connect.

Picture of Tammy Martin

Tammy Martin

Tammy is the company founder and crafty innovator behind this article. Since 2000, she has worked with clients to refine their marketing strategy, perfect ad performance, and generate sales from the bottom up.

It’s Your Turn. Make Your Move.

If you’re interested in working with us, please contact us today, and we will connect to book a consultation with you.