The Secret Social Underdog: Pinterest for Business

It is quite common for us to be asked by clients to market to affluent women in the United States and Canada. They are usually asking us to reach them by the bigger social platforms such as Facebook and/or Instagram. However, Pinterest advertising doesn’t seem to be on their radar.

If your ideal customer is female and has a household income of over $100,000/year, the Pinterest ads platform might be an additional source of new customers for your business. Statistics show that 50% of Pinterest users have made a purchase after seeing a promoted pin, and 87% have purchased a product because of Pinterest.

Pinterest is a hotbed of ideas for users. In fact, there are over 75 billion ideas on Pinterest which is why they use it as a tool for creative endeavours, cooking/recipe ideas, hobbies, artistic ideas and many more.

From a marketer’s perspective, the platform is unique because it’s a hybrid between Google Search Ads and Facebook/Instagram ads. Pinterest enables us to target your audience based on their search behaviour/terms similar to Google, as opposed to social media where it’s more of a demographic or generic interest-based targeting approach.

For example, if your product/service is part of a trend, you’d be able to target people typing search terms such as these into Pinterest:

  • Sugar-free recipes
  • Caffeine-free
  • Yoga pose
  • Lamp ideas
  • Scented candle
  • Throw blanket
  • Art supplies
  • Drink ideas

The list of options is endless if you have specific keywords in mind. Or you can target an entire interest category such as yoga, home decor, crafts, etc so you can appear in their searches more broadly without narrowing your audience too much.

Since Pinterest was founded in March 2010, it has grown to over 250 million users and half of them are in the United States. 81% of their users are female; however, 40% of new sign-ups are men. The median age of its users is 40, but the majority of active pinners are under 40. In fact, millennials use Pinterest as much as Instagram. 1 in 2 millennials uses Pinterest every month.

The Pinterest advertising tools are also very similar to Facebook, Instagram and Google in that various conversion types can be tracked such as: add to cart, lead, purchase, inquiry, etc. This enables you to track the success of your Pinterest ads and campaigns very closely.

If you see this platform as a new way to reach your ideal customers, we can help. You might very well be the first business in your industry to advertise on Pinterest which is a great way to get market attention without competing with other businesses in your niche.

Contact us today for a consultation to discuss how to advertise on Pinterest, creating a new business profile on Pinterest, or taking your existing boards and creating promoted pins that will generate buyer’s attention and action.

Source: The statistics in this article were drawn from Omnicore.

Picture of Tammy Martin

Tammy Martin

Tammy is the company founder and crafty innovator behind this article. Since 2000, she has worked with clients to refine their marketing strategy, perfect ad performance, and generate sales from the bottom up.

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