Case Study

Resolving High Lead Costs

The Problem

Spending is high, and leads are low.

An insurance company was spending $5,000 per month on Google Ads and wanted to be more cost-effective without sacrificing quality leads.

They considered moving over to Facebook ads and asked us to help them expand their customer base at a lower cost.

This was a textbook example of how back-end knowledge can turn your business around 180.

When we conducted a full review of the client’s website–looking at funnel analysis, click maps, visitor recordings, and other indicators—we found that mobile users were having significant problems with online forms and that up to 64% of the site’s traffic relied on these types of users.

The takeaway— any future advertising would not be successful without catering to mobile users.

Knowing this, we developed a variety of blog articles to determine what topics attracted the most attention. Completing the steps, we launched a strong Facebook campaign that targeted ads to audiences with the greatest potential for converting into leads.

The Solution

The Result

After an initial 6-month campaign engaging in relevant topics for their audience and utilizing Facebook Pixel for audience creation, we were able to generate the same amount of leads on Facebook for $1,000/month compared to Google Ads for $5,000/month.

After the site review, we applied important fixes that led to a whopping 87.5% improvement in the conversion rate from mobile traffic. We also created a lead capture system – that means the company could turn more site visitors into email subscribers and stay connected to prospects for future campaigns.

Tripling their monthly leads, the Insurance Company was no longer reliant on a single platform to generate leads. They came away with a personalized Executive Dashboard that enabled them to understand the performance and impact of their different marketing channels.

We love how this all came together out of the analytics. This goes to show how an effective digital strategy often starts with figuring out the gaps and then moving in with dazzling content.


Insurance Leads Each Month


Lead Cost Compared to Google Ads


Website Traffic


Facebook Fans

The Insurance company now has thousands of people on their remarketing list that they can use for upcoming promotions and events. They also tripled the size of their email subscriber base to keep up the conversation with their potential clients with the content that’s being created.

As a side benefit, the content creation also helped increase their organic traffic from Google searches. This will provide them with continuous free traffic to their website.

Their website is also optimized to work properly and optimally for all device types to convert visitors into new leads. They are also becoming an established brand in the industry as illustrated through their direct website traffic.

The Reward

It’s Your Turn. Make Your Move.

If you’re interested in working with us, please contact us today, and we will connect to book a consultation with you.
