Case Study

How to Market an Online Course

The Problem

We were approached by a coach who was offering an online course to expand her current digital product offerings and books she had authored. With prior experience doing online marketing for coaches this was a natural fit for our team.

This coach serves a very specific niche in the market that makes her unique and she was having difficulty with her marketing strategy for selling online courses. 

This coach was running ads on Facebook but had never tried Google Search Ads. We thought it would be the perfect opportunity to do so because of the specific niche that she served.

We also built a multi-page marketing dashboard in order to track all of her ad results in real-time as one single source of truth.

The dashboard also provides us with detailed landing page activity for us to monitor the funnel performance.

Additionally, we recommended stepping up her email marketing distribution because we were generating so many leads and they were sitting idly on her subscriber list.

The Solution

The Result

Google Search ads ended up being the perfect fit for this coach. We’ve been able to attract high intent prospects to her main lead magnet.

We have successfully been running Facebook and Google ads for this client since 2019 and she has been distributing more emails to her list and her business has been growing as a result.

We were also given full autonomy with her ad accounts to rebalance the ad spending in whatever platform is performing the best for her. We use her marketing dashboard to look at which platform is generating more conversions and increase the ad spend wherever the most purchases are coming from.

Facebook and Google do support each other, but there are times for clients when one is stronger at closing new sales. And that is true in this instance.


Overall Digital Product and Program Revenues in Kajabi


Website Traffic Increase in 2021 compared to 2020


New Email Subscribers in 2020

This coach is earning well over $800,000/year in digital product and program sales which doesn’t even account for their book sales, YouTube monetization and other sources of revenue.

Their business now has over 25,000 website sessions each month and 60,000 email subscribers in its database. They’re not only receiving high volumes of new leads each week, but they’re now expanding into new digital product offerings as well. 


The Reward

It’s Your Turn. Make Your Move.

If you’re interested in working with us, please contact us today, and we will connect to book a consultation with you.
