Building Online Popularity

Building your online presence in its purist form is about being in the centre of the conversation in your area of business or niche. If you want to grow your business, here are some tips on increasing your online popularity.

Greatness:  Create a service or product that is actually worth talking about. If your business is rather common, how can you make it uncommon and unique? If you do so, your site will naturally attract lots of attention.

Your Customers: Maintain lists of your customers and categorize them. Whenever you have something meaningful to say, share it with them. These people are your forgotten goldmine because they are only too happy to share your news with others even if they’re aren’t in the final phase of the buying cycle themselves.

Get Social: If you haven’t ventured into social media yet, now is the time. Google pays attention to who you are connected to socially, so by all means, show them! Follow others in the same industry, even if they are your competitors, and actively seek out and follow experts, writers and journalists in your business.

Attract a Blogger: Build a relationship with a top blogger or a blogger with decent traffic who is dedicated to your industry. Work with them to create an interesting post that would naturally link to your site.

Online Public Relations: Journalists and editors are now accessed online through reputable press release distribution services. Just like offline, your story needs to have appeal though, so craft your message creatively so it stands out and has a higher chance of success along with a great quality link to your site.

If you need help developing your online presence, let’s connect.

Picture of Tammy Martin

Tammy Martin

Tammy is the company founder and crafty innovator behind this article. Since 2000, she has worked with clients to refine their marketing strategy, perfect ad performance, and generate sales from the bottom up.

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